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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My thoughts: Reflector Parking Article & Faculty Response

What are My thoughts on the Reflector's Parking Article & Faculty Response led by faculty senate member D'Abramo? Please read all to fully understand.

Via the Reflector:

"The resolution is a louder symbolic resolution to the administration that our salaries are flat and sliding downward," said Berk. "The administration has been nickel-and-diming [the faculty] for a number of years. "D'Abramo said this issue goes beyond just the faculty. "This is something that also hurts the students. They are experiencing tuition increases and parking fee increases also. I think we need to make a statement. Enough is enough," said D'Abramo.

Well, here's my response, first on parking and second on the Faculty standing up for students.

Part 1: Parking

First, Faculty/staff shouldn't have to pay to park. The idea is absurd. Parking should be provided for those you hire and they should have assigned numbered parking spaces (not just a "faculty/staff" lot). Its common sense. Also, those is residence halls (i live off campus) should get enough parking plus a few extra family visitor spaces next to where they live so they don't have park 3 or 4 blocks away and lug their luggage & shopping bags. Greeks (not greek either) should get to park near their greek houses also. Simple as that. The rest of the students (day students) should be filtered in elsewhere on campus.

Now, students having to pay to park is another story. I agree with the added cost to park in the extra spaces close to your main building, mainly b/c of the limited parking spaces and not wanting to have a concrete drill field. Its simply a matter of demand & supply. Pay on a first come, first serve semester decal basis. For me, mine would be an undedicated space by McCool. Of course, I park not far from the Sanderson Center anyway since i come in off 82. I'm happy and just assume park there than pay extra. Others would prefer near McCool. If so, pay for it. No reason for a parking lot guessing game.

As far as raising the price of the parking decal, they either raise them or tuition. They needed money and that just happens to be the way they chose to do it.

And with costs going up and a refusal at the state level to raise income taxes, the increased tuition burden is going to be shifted to students and their parents/families.

Wanna fix that. Go to the capitol building and governor's mansion in Jackson with others and let 'em know about it. Duh.

Don't just whine and complain as we all like to do. Go Do Something About It.

Part 2: Faculty/University helping students?

Oh yeah, and this D'Abramo fool talking about faculty standing up and helping students. Yeah, sure, thats real believable.

I personally don't recall too many times that faculty has stood up to help students or make things easier. Hell, I gotta get 4 different signatures in the exact order just to have a booth for a student organization for such terrible things as voter registration, humane society, student political involvement, etc.

Free speech was limited to a small corner until just recently. And signs promoting fundraisers even for things like dissabilities and sorority St. Judes fundraising efforts on brick walls are taken down b/c some fool in an office didn't sign it & its not on a special bulletin board. I mean, come on university and faculty, get real. You making it easier for students. Since when.

I can't even drop a class without an act of Congress. Do it late enough and you have to pay a $50 class withdrawal fee. Excuse me, but didn't I already pay for the class in tuition. Duh. Now we have to pay not to get credit. Ever try to register for a class (me political science) in a department you are not majoring in (i'm business)? Not easy. Again, more signatures, chit chat, and Congressional Approval.

Now, when someone finds a way that the University/Faculty makes something easier, let me know please. I don't think there is that many. Comment, call (662-312-6036), anything.


Blogger A. Telle said...

I agree with you 100% on this one. 100%.

Wed Apr 20, 10:45:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mrholmes said...

Adam, great comment. But 100%, thats pretty rare.

and yes Charlie, you are right, people shouldn't have to pay to park where they are employed. I think parking is something that should be required of the employer. You would think anyway.

Thu Apr 21, 01:23:00 PM PDT  

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