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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Studyin Amazingly So (BAD, Studyin BAD)

Amazingly enough, I'm actually studying for my managerial econ test tomorrow. I'm so proud. I studied about 45 minutes already but to be honest, 15 minutes of that was lookin up the equi-marginal principle in my book and notes which for some foolish reason, i can't find. I'm even taking part in a study group at 3 or 4 after my marketing management class. I know, this is big news. And it at least saves me time from lookin up and/or figurin out all the answers to the questions. Of course, Yes, i could be studyin now but i figure while i eat lunch, i could badger my blog instead of study. After all, I did answer 3 of the 11 not so short questions while i studied for very long 30 minutes. I think this is a fair reward.

For those of you who don't know, if it takes me over 2 hours to study it, then my philosophy is it is obviously not important or they would have made a more condense version for people like me. In fact, i prefer executive summaries, not detailed papers unless i'm writing them myself and and care to write such such as about ruf (www.ruf.dk), history (wars mainly), and sports. Thats about it.

UPDATE: I met Jeremy (a guy in my class) at the Library at 4 to study for a nightmarish 4 hours plus. Of course, it seemed like less than 2 but thats not the point. We were trapped in this awful room on the basement floor. And I missed the CBS sitcoms which literally brought tears. Studyin bad. Bad I tell you. And since cell phones are dead down there, I missed the conference call b/c i didn't get the message about it until 8:20 with the call at 8:00. Luckily, Nick was nice enough to let me know about it in only the way Pappa Nick can.


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