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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Matt's Political Platform as of March 16, 2005

Below is my personal political platform. Read, enjoy, and respond.

1) …One nation, “defined by the enduring and evolving passions of its people,” indivisible…
2) In “America” we trust.
3) I am pro support, pro choice, and in support of the morning after pill.
4) I am pro Equality in all aspects, not just a few.
5) I am against tort reform because I believe and trust in my fellow citizens and my nation’s judicial system. To say America’s judicial system is flawed in the civil justice ring, in my opinion, leaves questions about the quality of justice in our criminal courts. I have a firm belief in the utilization of common sense however.
6) I am for and urge vivid support of our nation’s police, firefighters, first responders, veterans, volunteers, and military.
7) I am pro volunteerism.
8) I am pro independent mind and thoughts.
9) I believe in strength in beliefs and ideas. In no manner shall someone waver from their ideas, unless they themselves see a need to do so in benefit of life, not politics.
10) I am for American independence in our actions.
11) I am for American leadership abroad
12) I am for a strong military led by our nation’s “military familiar.”
13) I am pro defense.
14) I am for defending human rights as outlined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
15) I support and was for the war in Iraq and continue to be. Refer to # 14, not WMD.
16) I am pro environment.
17) I am pro wildlife and animals including greatly strengthening animal rights.
18) I believe we should not only increase funding for, but also increase the size of our national park system.
19) I believe it is vital that we implement the Rapid Urban Flexible Transit System.
20) I believe in alternative fuel research.
21) I am pro stem cell research, genetic research, and genetic engineering.
a. I am also pro cloning in certain types of cases.
i. Cloning of cells in an effort to save lives.
ii. Cloning in an effort to have a child of your own you would not otherwise be able to have.
22) I support a pro aggressive tax.
23) I believe in looking to the future, not only at the present.
24) I am for “fully funding the future,” even if that means tax increases in the present.
25) I am against standardized test scores as a measurement of a student’s or school’s success. Limiting life and knowledge to multiple choice and paper is absurd. Hence, the foundation behind Bush’s No Child Left Behind sucks.
26) I am against the idea of Affirmative Action, especially in public sector of education because I believe every child should be able to achieve their dreams and be able to attend any public school in their state through the masters level. Hence, there should be no need for affirmative action, especially in dealing with public education.
27) I am against faith-based initiatives. God does not rule life, people do. Charities, not churches, should be in charge of helping people.
28) I am against school vouchers to attend private school on government funding.
29) I believe that college costs for a student should be the same as those for K-12 with no cap on enrollment.
30) I believe there should be no caps on enrollment in public graduate schools.
31) I am for casinos in the United States.
a. I believe everyone should have to pass a sobriety test in order to be able to gamble.
b. I believe a person’s gambling in a month should be limited to a certain percentage of their income for the month.
32) I support taxes based on the amount of pollution produced by companies so that they pay their fair share for the costs.
33) I am for limiting nicotine and other harmful and addictive substances with an end in mind in a doctor recommended period of time.
34) I support all those who want to get married, including those of the same sex. Marriage is about the love and passion that two people share for each other. Limiting marriage to that of a man and woman is not defending the sanctity of marriage, but discrediting marriage as only a series of committed sexual acts between a man & a woman til death do them part. I think of marriage to be a little bit more than that.
35) I support all those who want to have kids, including those of the same sex. Just because a person is not heterosexual does not mean they can not take care of a child.
36) I believe in raising the minimum wage.
37) I am for gun license checks and firearms limitations.
38) I am in full support of the death penalty in the United States.

Any questions or comments or ideas or clarifications, feel free to free to ask or express. Also, if you have any descriptions of what I am politically, feel free to describe in as many words as you like. I'm curious b/c some people think i am confused about whether i am a democrat or republican or whatever.

As always, take care, be vocal, vote donkey, and work like a mule.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight: you support a progressive tax system, desire very higher taxes (I assume this since you are against government debt (#24) and don't mention limited government, you are against school choice (#28) even though it is taxpayers who were forced to give the government that money in the first place, you believe that the governement should tell someone how much they can gamble and if they can gamble, and you think employers should be forced to pay their employees more even if this causes an increase in unemployment and an increase in the cost of living.

You aren't a republican or a democrat...you are an all out socialist and since socialism has a poor track record of success (look at the economies of Germany and France), then please, never run for office because I don't think you would have any business telling me or others how to run my life.

Sat Mar 19, 03:54:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

Good job anonymous. You read my blog and even posted. Now, try this one: Sign your name. Then my strong military (#12) could come and take you to a new home in my "socialist" government. No one really knows who anonymous his but anonymous does post alot i have seen on blogs, sometimes in a contradictory manner.

I do give you credit, though. No one has ever called me a "socialist" before so you have originality. A "smart ass" maybe. "Confused" 100's of times by both CR's and CD's. But a "socialist?" You would be the first.

Now, i personally like to think of myself as a military and defense minded liberal SOB. I believe in personal responsibility and equality above all else.

Now, at least if i was said to be a "socialist" which i myself would not agree with the label (sorry about that), i am for independence of gov't. from religion and purely for personal choice (marriage, adoption, children). I believe public schools are more real life than private schools (private schools are bad societal revealing schools) and can't stand standardized testing but am more for open minded learning unlike "no child left behind."

Now, most americans support an aggresive tax over flat and regressive taxes so if that makes me socialist, then so is most of america. I only support a limitation on the amount of money gambled in a casino so a man doesn't gamble away his family's house or child's college fund or his car in one night b/c of the rush of gambling or drunkeness. If that makes me a socialist, i can live with that. If wanting every child who wants to go to college in their state and even get their masters without paying tuition if they maintain a 2.5 (state funded college) makes me a socialist, then paint me socialist. If urging that there should be license checks and 7 day waiting periods for a person wanting to purchase a gun, then make them wait while complaining about socialists and let our children be safe from loose cannons who want to buy guns.

Now, i close in saying: SIGN YOUR NAME. It adds to what you say. Thanks and post again...with your name included, pleeeassssssee.

-matthew holmes-

Sat Mar 19, 06:34:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

a misguided moderate. hey, an upgrade from socialist. by the way, me and charlie do actually agree that schiavo should be allowed to pass and congress should not interfere. smart minds think a like some of the time.

Sun Mar 20, 07:23:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

yes, i am now linked to ed's blog. will do on the latter.

longwinded = definitely

socialist = hell no, damn hell no.

now, i just got to pictured on ed's blog.

Mon Mar 21, 10:38:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Ed and Charlie. Matt is misguided and long-winded. He's not a moderate. He has chosen to be a Democrat but I know he is just confused :)

Wed Mar 23, 09:12:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

Confused. I have been the same on my platform for tha last several years, with a few additions and modifications.

Now, what many people failed to see and some still do is this:


Hence the reason i would wear both the Haley Barbour and Ronnie Musgrove buttons and stickers for governor. As I believe I said then, I personally didn't care much for either one of them. I voted for Musgrove by the way b/c when i asked Barbour (one-on-one) at the forum at the Vet School if he thought he could get a fair trial in MS either criminal or civil, he said no. How can a governor enforce the laws and judicial decisions if he doesn't even believe they are fair. That puts a big question on who is in Parchman.

As for not wearing Bush stuff, he has shown in several instances that he does not support equality for all. And you know who he advocates discrimination against Miss Tew. Hence, I will never in good conscience support wearing a W Bush button or sticker. Cheney I would (may not vote for him) but i would wear his sticker. I would and have worn McCain stuff. No one should ever hold government office if they do not support equality for everyone. Simple as that.

Thu Mar 24, 03:41:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I don't know. Please inform me.

Thu Mar 24, 10:35:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is for Lindsey Tew:

I read your comments on this blog and Ed's. I think you have some really good takes on certain things and believe strongly that you should open up your own blog site. That would be awesome girl! I would really like to hear more of your opinions!

Thu Mar 24, 04:47:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

if lindsey opens up a blog site, i'll definitely read it.

note: i don't actually know what lindsey tew's position on gay marriage is, just bush's.

to miss tew:

the ban on gay marriage that bush advocates is dicriminatory and even worse, cowardly and against everything this country is founded on. if religion is the reason for the ban, maybe we should remind bush and others that america was settled by people fleeing religous persecution in england and wanting a new way of life where they could be themselves.

and as far as defense of marriage goes, how is limiting marriage (marriage is something i believe highly in) to a committed series of sexual acts between a man and a woman defending marriage. i would say it is degrading marriage. marriage is about two people who love and care passionately for each other, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, til death do them part. it ain't just about who one is having sex with. too bad Bush thinks that it is all its about.

that is the one of the main reasons i never supported bush or wore his stickers (like i wore barbours & musgroves). i can't support someone who dicriminates and denies people their basic rights just because they are different.

remember, i think the saying goes life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. marriage is clearly part of the pursuit of happiness.

equality above all else. thanks.

Thu Mar 24, 09:27:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words. I have thought about starting a blog but I spend so much time reading Ed's, Matt's, Bogard's, etc. that I'm afraid I don't have much free time left! Also, I rant a lot and I tend to get in trouble for it. So the less I say in print, the better :)

Sat Mar 26, 06:40:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and I disagree on many things. From reading your blog, I know we can add one more thing to our list of disagreements: our religious and spiritual beliefs.

Let me take a detour to get to your point....The other day when all of that "controversy" was going on, someone said that they thought I "did not understand my role as College Republicans Chair."

My response to that charge is this: We all probably have a slightly different interpretation of what that role would be. It is important to me that I know what the job entails and what my repsonsibilities are. I am not uncertain as to what my role is in CR. My role in ANY leadership position or job is the same. It is always to be myself and stand up for what I believe in. I know my role as an individual, as a member of my family, as a friend, as a citizen of this great country, and above all as a Christian. Those roles I know very well and those roles will not be compromised. I will always stand up for what is right and what I believe in. If it causes conflict, it will pass. If it challenges the status qou, thank goodness. If it goes against the my "role" in an organization or job, too bad.

I am not a puppet, I am an independent thinker. I know that I do not always make the right desicions, I will admit when I am wrong, and I learn from my mistakes.

I said all of that to support what I am about to say about the President. Since I can't speak for him, I wanted to give that small example of myself to illustrate my point.

I won't get in to my stance on gay marriage here but to address the issue...I cannot speak for President Bush, but this is what I think about his stance. President Bush is a man of strong convictions. If he thinks something is wrong based on his personal faith and beliefs, he will not support it. No matter how much people don't like it or how much controversy it causes. That is not discrimination, that is standing up for your beliefs.

You are standing up for your beliefs by saying that homosexuals should be allowed to be married. President Bush is just in a position where his beliefs matter a little more than yours and mine.

It may seem discriminatory on the surface, but it's not. That may seem like a weak argument to you, but I share the President's faith, and it isn't a weak argument to me.

Sat Mar 26, 07:08:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

Hey Tew,

You did a good job there as CR Chair in supporting Bush. But, yes, the arguement you make does seem pretty weak but you didn't have much ground to stand on.

If I am interpreting what you say correctly, Bush, b/c of his Christian faith and belief in God, thinks it is ok to discriminate against others based on their sexual orientation and that if he didn't, he would be sinning in the eyes of God. I now remind you that many slaveholders used God to justify having slaves and dicriminating against people of different colors. The same with settlers who dicriminated and attacked indians or indian lands b/c they were "savages."

Religious beliefs are not and will never be a reason for discrimination or inequality. And John Kerry's platform of Civil Unions instead (i admit) was nothing more than separate but equal.

Why can't they get married? Who would it hurt? Simple, no one. Banning it, however, hurts our credibility as America with a free and fair country (yet we are trying to bring freedom and open-mindedness to iraqis...now anyway...and middle east; seems a bit hypocritical) and the people who can't get married just because they are different. Would your belief in your future marriage be less if two men or two women got married? I know mine to my future wife wouldn't. I would think less of my marriage though if i knew others, friends of mine even, were denied the same pursuit of love and life I was. It would be wrong and it would be sad. Its the only way i can ever see it.

P.S: If i ever see it another way and support inequality, please tell me, and if i don't listen, you have my permission to shoot me. I could commit only one worse offense than dicrimination: murder and that is b/c it is irreversible. Hopefully people change for the better and treat others equally.

Sat Mar 26, 10:47:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying, but I still do not see it as discrimination. If President Bush (and a huge percentage of the rest of the country) believes that homosexuality is wrong, how can he rightfully support gay marriage? Whether you agree with him or not, would you have any respect for someone who did not stand up for they believed in?

But if homosexuals are allowed to be married then what next? Will bisexuals be allowed a man AND a woman? Will pologomist be able to practice? Will someone be able to marry an animal? Will Michael Jackson be able to marry an 11 year old?

It seems silly and extreme, but those issues WILL come up. And when they do, we won't have a leg to stand on. The things that some people in this country will do never cease to amaze me. I can guarantee you that someone would say "I love my cat and I have committed my life to her, you MUST permit me to marry my cat or that is discrimination!"

Matt, you may say let the person marry the cat. But I say, we have to draw the line somewhere. We must maintain law and order or our country will have no validity.

I agree that it is unfair that two people that love each other and commit their lives to each other (even though they cannot get married) are not given the same rights as family members. Something should be done about that. The idea of civil unions is not all bad, but I can't completely support it. I'm honestly not sure exactly what I would do to fix the problem, but hopefully by 2028 I will have a better handle on it.

Sun Mar 27, 08:43:00 PM PST  

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