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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Blogs all around

Below are a listing of some of my favorite blogs with rayburn's and ed's being the top two, the leaders of the rest of us blog makers. Rayburn's is the journal style, funny and unique, but without all the political intrigue, not that she doesn't fire it off with the best of them. She just doesn't post about it. Ed's is the political and opinion section of our university and the fosterer of political life on campus. Who needs the Reflector or Bulldog Beat when you have Ed's blog.




http://danielmelder.blogspot.com (melder is the godfather of college democrats and one of the chief CD icon. His comments launched a school and city wide controversy and exposed the SA for underhandedness in city elections, even if there leaders refuse to admit it. And if you can't take the heat and a lot of it, don't talk politics with melder and support republicans. he'll burn you and make you go home to momma)

http://www.philstrick.blogspot.com/ ( the CR enforcer and more opinionated in writing than in person like me. tick him off though and you better be ready to fire back or head for the whipping shed)

http://www.actionjackson05.blogspot.com/ (action is right and he knows it. need i say more)

http://www.sa.msstate.edu/ ( well, they copied ed on the blog thing. maybe they will listen to him on more stuff. they couldn't get much worse. time til telle calls: 22 hours.)

http://blog.bogard.org (CD pres and starting with the reflector, at least on temp basis. who knows what he will say. i found out from ed's blog. possibly more on that later)

http://politicsonthego.blogspot.com/ (charlie swanson, he rights well, even for a conservative. and he admires ed's work and "political ideals." dangerous fellow. should get back with the reflector)

also, i would like to list one of the many websites of nick wilson's. www.traicovn.com. nick is currently retired from blogging but you may found his comments at one of the websites listed above. and for those commenting on the SA's website, nick does give his name when he posts, and not as anonymous.

enjoy, post, comment, and vote donkey. you knew i had to say it.


Blogger mrholmes said...

I think they might. Miss Elizabeth (whichever one she is) says they are understaffed. Beggers can't be choosy and you have credibility plus ability plus stature. Besides, you could always go write for the Bulldog Beat. They could use a good editorial/opinion writer. They sort of lack one.

Wed Mar 16, 09:29:00 AM PST  

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