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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Matt's Dream Team Political Lineup as of March 16

1) President = Joseph Biden (D)
2) Vice-President = John McCain (R)
3) Speaker of the House = Harold Ford, Jr. (D)
4) House Minority Leader = unsure on which Republican (none stand out)
5) Senate Majority Leader = Trent Lott (R)
6) Senate Minority Leader = Barbara Boxer (D)
7) Secretary of State = J.C. Watts (R)
8) Secretary of Defense = Colin Powell
9) National Security Adviser = Max Cleland (D)
10) Department of Homeland Security = Rudolph Giuliani
11) Department of Transportation = Palle R Jensen (www.ruf.dk)
12) Federal Reserve Chair = Alan Greenspan
13) EPA head = Ralph Nader
14) Secretary of the Interior = A Native American Person to be chosen by the Native American Communities
15) Department of Labor = A to be named economic team of three members
16) Attorney General = John Kerry (D)
17) United Nations Secretary General = Bill Clinton (D) (American), to be followed by Tony Blair (Great Britain)
18) Chief Justice = me of course; who would be better
19) DNC Chair = Howard Dean (got one so far)
20) RNC Chair = who the hell cares
21) Governor of MS = Billy McCoy, Mike Moore, or Jim Hood currently
22) Lt. Governor of MS = Rob Smith
23) MS Speaker of the House = Billy McCoy
24) MS Senators for U.S. = Trent Lott (R) and Thad Cochran (R) (he is currently senate appropriations chair)
25) MS Congressional Representatives = unsure, fire Wicker for sure, the others up in the air, Ronnie Musgrove for U.S. Congress, especially if against Wicker

feel free to comment or offer suggestions and some of your picks. updates coming later with more info and changes always possible. yes, i picked both republicans and democrats. if that bothers you, who the hell cares. pick your own dream team.

take care, vote donkey, and work like a mule


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am interested in knowing why exactly you want to fire Roger Wicker?

Mon Mar 21, 01:25:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

hey "what?". thanks for reading the blog. names are appreciated and valued.

as for why should Roger Wicker not be re-elected, I don't like the guy. he has done very little for NE mississippi (i went to HS in Corinth). he voted against the ban of tapes with cats being killed by women in stilleto heels. no idea why (in his defense, it might have been tied in with something else). he has brought little investment to the region. and i personally think he couldn't get any further right as far as social issues go or he'd be in bed with pat robertson. just me opinion.

again, name signing is appreciated especially if opinions are given. take care

Mon Mar 21, 04:13:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

also, what do you think about the rest of the political line-up.

everyone feel free to list their own dream team line up.

Mon Mar 21, 04:14:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, here is an idea: why don't you come up with an SA dream team? hahaha, that would be so funny! seriously though i would love to hear your input? best SA officers of all time.

Tue Mar 22, 12:55:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

To the Duke and the rest:

I don't know enough about past SA officers to come up with a reputable SA dream team of the past. Instead, I will provide my current SA Dream Team if i got to choose all the SA Exec officers next year (not including myself; that might be unfair).

SA President is obvious = Edward Sanders. He is clearly the best choice for SA President. No one else is really in his league as far as connections, work ethic, knowledge of the student body & government. Sanders could be the best SA president of all time.

Vice-President = Adam Telle. You may not agree with everything he does and some of it may be excessive, but he has shown more so far than any SA President I have seen. He is visible, he is vocal, he works incredibly hard, he is conniving (good & bad), he is intelligent, he is cunning. (by the way, i voted for juan and disagree with adam on several issues). could his SA do more? Yes. But his VP and AG seem to suck as they are MIA. Luckily he has Lamonte.

Attorney General = Daniel Melder. Like him or hate him, no one is a better attack dog than Melder and he has tons of political savvy. He knows constitutions, state law, and cares for the people.

Treasurer = Emily Jones. She easily the most qualified student accountant on campus. And I know alot of accountants. She can manage and detail.

Secretary = From what i have seen, Lindsey Tew is the most organized person holding an office. She handles CR stuff well and would work hard. She just has to keep her emotions in check (can be firey). She would be the secretary you know.

Top of the SA Cabinet = Lamonte. He's there now and does an amazing job. He works hard, is extremely social, represents students well, and would be a great asset to accompany Sanders.

Top SA Political Advocate(R)= TJ Harvey. He is very well connected as head of the State of MS Cr's both locally, on the state level, and nationally. He is also big on youth vote and involvement.

Top SA Political Advocate(D)= Nick Wilson. He also knows tons of local, state, and national politics and he too is well connected.

Tue Mar 22, 03:23:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your input! I have another question though. Why has the Attorney General been missing in action (MIA as you call it)? Has Mr. Cole not done a satisfactory job in the office?

Tue Mar 22, 03:34:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do u despise the new exec that is about to be elected? I believe that you claimed on one of your previous blogs, that this may be "the worst exec ever" about to come in. I totally disagree. I believe that we will have an awesome exec led by Jon D. Also, why don't you run for office, matt? you seem like a guy who has the drive to run a campaign and get elected. WHY WHY WHY? Please clarify these things!

Wed Mar 23, 03:13:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw thanks Matt! I am honored that you think I would be a good secretary. I'm working on keeping those emotions in check. I just can't help but stand up for myself and what I believe in...I just don't do it very tactfully do I? And what would want to be in the line up? Campaign coordinator? Political moderator?

Wed Mar 23, 09:20:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

To the Duke:

"Why has the Attorney General been missing in action (MIA as you call it)?" asks the Duke.

First, I also mentioned the current VP too, not just AG. In my opinion, they have not put forth fully the effort they should have. Meanwhile, while i disagree w/ telle on alot of things, he has worked his "tell" off so all he has left is Adam ----E. They have lacked being vocal on many issues, for instance the AG with Ticket Gate. That is something in my opinion where the AG should have stepped up and defended the rights of students to have a more fair ticket getting process as the AD department botched it. (I got my tickets by the way just so no one thinks i was bitter about not getting them). As far as what has the VP led on, i honestly do not know and that is the problem. He ran for office to do something. It just seems he has taken a nap for about a year now. The only thing he has done is added a title to his resume. Lamonte and Brian Havard have been the real VP's. Again, my opinion.

Thu Mar 24, 03:54:00 AM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

To Kimble:

A) Why do u despise the new exec that is about to be elected?.

Simple, they are the laziest bunch of campaigners i have seen in my now 3 years of following SA elections. If they aren't willing to work a freakin' week and half to campaign (6 days actually) to students on the drill field and such on how they are going to work for the school, then why would i have any reason to think that when elected they will be any different. Campaigning on just Monday and Tuesday of election week just doesn't cut it in my opinion. Yes, they are likely and actually amking rounds to greek row and a few clubs, (at least i know TJ and Vitart are and i'm sure JD and others are too.) But when i see that Corey Carter (who has not opponent by the way) is outcampaiging and out working all but maybe one or 2 of the candidates, then that sucks truthfully. Tell JD to campaign more than 2 days (miss martin does good work) and i might think he will do a good job. (JD does do good school work as i have had him in a couple of classes).

B) Why don't I run for SA office?

That's simple. I don't have the experience on how SA works and there are other candidates that would be better and more qualified than me. I might have actually ran if i would have known we would have 2 offices unopposed just to give Corey Carter a chance to campaign and have a better forum to offer new ideas. But i would have voted for Carter if i ran against him b/c he has a proven record in SA.

I also think i would be better suited to work more on national, state, and local issues like education funding, social issues, equal rights for all, patriotic vigils, and gettin out the vote.

I'd be glad to work on cabinet but or some other way, but people like Edward Sanders, TJ Harvey, Corey Carter, etc. are more qualified at this time. MSU comes first. And i don't really care for fancy titles. The work has to be done either way.

Thu Mar 24, 04:14:00 AM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

charlie, i'll get to answering yours later today.

Thu Mar 24, 04:14:00 AM PST  

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