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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Protect Our College Loans


"Congress is expected to vote on Wednesday to cut College Loans by $12.7 billion. Students from the Katrina disaster zone will feel these cuts harder than others. The financial burdens post-Katrina are monumental and these cuts only make recovery more difficult. The MS and LA Congressional Delegation has the swing votes to turn these cuts around. The same legislators that took so long to deliver basic services post-Katrina have an opportunity to demonstrate basic leadership on behalf of their already hurting constituents."

Please sign the petition located at the link above.


Blogger mrholmes said...

about time u started posting again. even if it is a lot of overdone, misguided conservative rhetoric.

on the notion of loans, there's nothing wrong with paying for college with loans. they can be paid off pretty easily when u get out of college. just as long as your not paying for the beer and the trips and the parties with the loan money. and runnin up credit card tabs.

most people are in college to further there education, not to work as work is only a neccessary evil for many during their college years. the loans are merely meant to allow people to focus on their education or pay for a college education that they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford.

Thu Feb 02, 07:56:00 AM PST  

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