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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Supreme Court Nominations

Below are my opinions about the recent Supreme Court nomination of Alito and the life of the court.

The guidelines in Bush's message when nominating a justice for the Supreme Court are foolish at best and simply at the life of politics. Not Equal Opportunity and Justice for All. Bush appointed Miers who had little or no experience at so she would be fresh. Then she gets yanked in favor of Alito who has loads of experience but a much more questionable record on the bench. Bush tried to pass Miers but the extreme right wing of the Republican Party derailed that nomination because Miers was not detrimental enough to the decisions of Justice O’Connor. In other words, she did not pass the Republican Litmus test. By withdrawing her nomination because she was not right wing enough, Bush let down the American people more so than when he appointed her, even though she lacked the qualifications. And while Republicans are complaining that every Justice deserves the right to vote, Miers was dismissed by her own before the Senate got to vote.

What we need on the bench is a nominee who is ready to protect all Americans rights. We went to war in Iraq, although a small part, to defend the human rights of Iraqi citizens. We honor and pay tribute to the life of Rosa Parks and Dr. King for moving America forward in the eyes of the Constitution. And while our Constitution is one of the greatest documents in history, it is only so because the men and women who interpret it have grown. It used to support “Separate but Equal” and “the three-fifths clause” but it does no more. Yet, by selling the Constitution to the right wing of America for political capital in the body of Alito, we will have disgraced the past and endangered the future. What America needs is a Justice like O’Connor who stood so firmly and courageously on the perch of justice. Alito is not that person. Give America better Mr. President. For once, give us better than we gave you.


Blogger R.J. Morgan said...

I agree Holmes.

It seemed amazing to me that after Republicans spend months saying that the Dem's had no right to question Roberts on how he would rule if appointed, they damn near demanded to know everything there was to know about Miers even before a hearing!

The Hypocracy Train rolls on!

And one other note - while we as a nation may honor and pay tribute to Ms Parks, our Pres had better things to do than go to the funeral. He had an excuse, but the real reason was to avoid getting booed or dissed. To skip a chance to pay tribute to one of the most influential women in US history for political reasons is an absolute disgrace. Just my rant.

Fri Nov 11, 07:45:00 AM PST  
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