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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mississippi up 16 spots in latest business climate poll

July 10, 2007

"State’s Business Climate Moves up Magazine’s List"
By Laura Hipp
Clarion Ledger

A national magazine for corporate directors ranks Mississippi’s legal climate a little better than they once did.

A Harris poll in Directorship Magazine bumped Mississippi to 33rd from 49th place in the publication’s annual composite standings, according to Gov. Haley Barbour’s office.

“I am very pleased that we’re making strides to change our once tarnished image as a state with an unfair legal system,” Barbour said in a statement.

Barbour and several Republicans are highlighting tort reform efforts in their campaigns this year. Reform efforts included caps on non-economic damages and a revised punitive damage cap.

The magazine praised Barbour’s efforts stating the 2004 tort reform battle makes the “state attractive for growth and job creation.”

Directorship Magazine used three indicators for its annual review of state litigation climates – Hantler-Weighted Variable Index, Pacific Research Institute, and the Harris Poll. The magazine’s 15,000 readers are comprised of boards, chief executives and general counsels who consider state liability climates when making decisions about expansion and investment.


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