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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Why I'm Pro-Choice

After reading the article "Abortion" on Joe's blog, http://magnoliapolitics.blogspot.com/2006/02/abortion.html, a post that outwardly opposes the practice of abortion, I felt I should respond. In doing so, this is what I said:

I'm pro-choice and don't mind saying so. It is a tough enough decision for a woman to make without some fool like me who is not in their situation leveling them with my own self-righteous moral judgements.

As far as God would be concerned, he ain't the mother and he ain't the would be child so he wouldn't be living the would be life or the life that is the mothers. Creator or not, casting judgement on one from a pulpit of "purity" is rather hypocritical and tyrannical.

For a child in a pro-choice view is born out of love, not sex. The world is growing overcrowded in population while 30 million Americans live in poverty (about 10%). When we can't take care of the ones we have, why sentence more to a life of squalor, single parent homes, and a trap "down in the ghetto" as elvis once sang.

When a child is ready to be born, it shall come of a union of love between two people (married or not) who care deeply and fully about having a child. Having a child is not something to be taken lightly or played by the sex lottery. It should and must be a decision that comes with thought and time and love, not a one night stand.


Blogger jazzycat said...

I disagree with your thoughts and would like to link you to my views which are contained in my series of Photo Meditations. #36 is abortion:


Sat Feb 18, 12:43:00 PM PST  
Blogger jazzycat said...

You said the following:

"As far as God would be concerned, he ain't the mother and he ain't the would be child so he wouldn't be living the would be life or the life that is the mothers. Creator or not, casting judgement on one from a pulpit of "purity" is rather hypocritical and tyrannical."

I am curious as to what your religious thinking is about the nature of God? Do you profess Christianity? I have a comment when I find that out.

Sun Feb 19, 02:52:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't updated your blog in a MILLION years, Matthew Holmes.

Thu Mar 30, 11:23:00 PM PST  
Blogger mrholmes said...

sara read my blog? amazing. and yeah, i see that. whoops. i sort of forgot to blog and when i wanted to blog, i didn't have time to post what i wanted.

Fri Apr 28, 01:05:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mrholmes said...

Do i profess Christianity? Nope. Have i been baptized? Nope. Can I make moral decisions on my own? Yes. Can most Christians? Doubtful. The Christian responds: "God says..." What? How about "I say ... and would so even if God disagreed b/c I think its right / wrong."

Did God create the world? Who knows. None of us were there and there is no concrete proof either way. Does it matter? No, not really.

Fri Apr 28, 01:12:00 PM PDT  

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