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Location: Jackson, Mississippi, United States

I need to update this thing at some point.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Grad School? Yippee

Today, I officially started grad school and sort of enjoyed it actually. Now, i have taken two grad classes already but that was while still technically being an undergrad. And, no, i'm not usually happy about class resuming.

In fact, the last time i was truly happy about class resuming was starting the eighth grade which either it or the seventh grade are probably my favorite years of school (and soccer too). Coach Scott was the best soccer coach (along with Coach Crowell) I ever had (and my favorite teacher of all time). No one could teach a math or history class better. And of course, the people were a lot of fun. And I played soccer year around from coaching the girls team to playin on the guys team. North Parkway (Jackson, TN) was a damn awesome school. (Them damn ------------------------------- from Tigrett ------- suck).

Now, back to you know, now. My Econ for Managers class is tought by Dr. Campbell who says it like it is, is well laid back, and has no problem mentionin his thoughts politically or his service in the Navy which i thoroughly enjoy listenin too. The 2 hour class flew by so quick, I thought it had only been an hour when it ended. And hey, I'll be there early (like 7:45 or 7:50) tomorrow which is pretty damn good considerin the class starts at 8 in the mornin. Most of the faces are new, but hey, thats college. Grad class usually lends itself to good classmates, teammates, and partners.

My other class, Marketing Management is well all about marketing from a management perspective. The teacher mr. taylor i have never had before but he seems like a pretty good guy and he was smart enough to hire dr. moore who has to be the perkiest, happiest go lucky teacher ever with her i think 4 kids. Also, seeing that we had to go 2 and so more days during the summer term than a normal 2 hours course should be, he cut today to like 35 minutes from 2 hours and cancelled class for 2 other thursdays in the year. and of course, grad students just don't have class on friday which is pretty damn nice. also, to note, 2 people in my class i already knew. Noah who was my partner in law class and damn good partner at that is in there. the only bad news is we were assigned partners so i didn't get noah as a teammate. Luckily, i got the other person i knew (First Lady Laura Bush wannabe) as my teammate so i still got a good teammate and lots of political banter on the side.

Now, if we can just get rid of all this damn homework and all this freakin readin. Apparently, there is like a very high minimum on the number of pages that must be assigned to read each day and, well of course, they love the idea of a good paper and a case analysis. so ya know, damn. i guess it can't all be good, but me takes what me can get.

hey, i actually finally posted again. yippee.

see ya, and by the way, let the donkey fly again, fly all the way to bulldog land, home of the rough and tumble, high and mighty, msu "the best damn university ever" bulldogs.

no word on a real donkey yet but i'm still gettin at gettin me one.


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